Our Proposal

We just finished a run and a bike ride, we got ready quick and it was his idea to head to Mt. Avalanche for the sunset! I wasn't really up for it because I was tired from our work out, but Sean was super excited, so I went along with it. He was racing through town and I had to remind him to slow down, he said he didn't want to miss the sunset. We got to the hill and he wanted to run up it, he grabbed my hand and had to drag me up. I was complaining the whole time and suggesting that we just turn around and go get ice cream. We finally made it to the top, the front deck had a group of people on it, but the back deck was empty. We went and sat on the bench. We were sitting and talking and when I turned to look he was on one knee asking me to marry him! I didn't say yes right away, I just gave him a big hug because I was so excited! He had to ask again and I said yes! I practically skipped down the hill, I was so excited to tell my family! When we got back to the camp site I practically tackled my mom when I was telling her the news! It was a fun night, we celebrated around the campfire and all the couples told their story of their engagement!